The young guns did their homework today when they passed cruised a visiting and dangerous Wigan side. Resilence and fortune are the main features that the youngest side ever can be praised of. Vela and Simpson gave a particultar show, also with juveniles Ramsey and Wilshere displaying their awesome bright future. After the massive win against Utd, these teenagers certainly draw some inspiration from their fellow senior team mates. If this pace continues maybe the youngsters could produce the so-much desired silverware that the seniors could not. One change was made in the line-up regarding the last clash against Sheffield, Bendtner for Simpson. I have to recognize the work done by Mr. Bruce; playing three midfielders and three forwards is not a common practice on England and the tactical work made by him and his team sees a very good developing. The match went calmly enough for the young home defense.
Goalie Fabainski seemed to had a crazy exit but amended his mistake, as early as 3'. One of the actions to highlight, at 14', was the rampage of Vela through the box, while causing several troubles for the opposite defense it was his lack of ability with the right foot that denied his finishing. In that same minute the sparky imagination of Wilshere set Simpson with a pass that Kirkland could merely hold. The young guns were on top and the lead was near.
With all the tempest going on around the Wigan's box it was the turn of them to show their credentials and this was proven with a srong attack lead by Valencia and finished by a de Ridder shot at 17'. Again Ramsey showed his capability of pulling the strings of the team with Randall on a more discrete job. It was a free-kick by the Welshman that scared many travelling fans. The fact was that if it was not for keeper Kirkland the match at least could have been three-nil. Another brilliant save was made on a fine shot by Mexican Vela.
Young and hot prospect de Ridder drew completely mad Gibbs who was left alone in several stances in the first half. Mainly that side was a one-way traffic for Wigan throughout the whole match.
I would like to make a parenthesis here regarding Fran Merida. The young Spaniard has not enjoyed the best of stays in the club and in this match it seemed quite obvious that his style is not as Cesc's even in the widest of comparissons. He seem lousy, confused and even tired. He has not the pace of his team mates and as them he did not shine at any circumstance. He does not seem the hot young prospect of the likes of Ramsey or Wilshere, quite the opposite.
In the late stages of the game, at 43', the lead came. It was a thrilling through pass by Wilshere who passed to beat four defenders, the rest was top-class finishing for Simpson.
Right in the beginning of the second period Simpson had a wide header chance. It seems to me that youngster Simpson has a very unique style as striker. He is physically gifted and with a good technique he can overcome many challenges. Not many good-to-mention arrivals for the home team, or in any case the away, were made at 60'. Pressure piled up for the young guns and in the 62th minute Ramsey gave us the perfect timing for the midfielder to pass. Second goal, at 67', came after Wilshere effort in a clearacne led by a brillinat Vela run that found Simpson lonely. The goal was inevitable as the performance of the Gunners. Now, the applause from a 60,000 crowd began at 70', when Carlos Vela flicked in past Kirkland an impressive and brilliant goal. The outstanding quality was highlighted by another take of the camera, in which he requested the ball from Djorou before he took it. I have to say, dear reader, that the so criticised Mexican deserves a praise. On the other side Dutchman de Ridder was the man of the match to the Latics as his skills and assistances were of good impression. It was not that electric and talented player one year and a half in the EURO qualifiers for the U-23 but he showed the skill and toughness, at least for English rigour.
Amaury Bischoff came in, as well as Henry Landsbury, at 77'. The so much promised defensive midfielder finally made his expected debut. Now as far as I can tell any player who is injured and simply cannot outstand its level should be replaced. That was the case with Kirkland, anyone could see his face in any clearance or effort. Instead of making his side suffer he should have got a replacement. Final minutes were full enjoy for home siders, as far as Wigan they can certainly have their hopes on Dutchman de Ridder, who made a fantastic play that finished in the woodwork.
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