In other news today's matches were good. Torino held Inter while the late Torres show took place. I really think he is one of the best strikers in the world, if not the best. His talent is overwhelming.
Good job Lionel, you have thrown more than one hundred years of football tradition to the dump due to your incredible ignorance. How come the "best player in the world" can not be aware of such an extraordinary event? Well there is his love for the colours. The note highlights that he does not care for personal records, but I think as the selfish cunt he is, that he does not care at all in the team he has been playing his entire career.
You know dear reader that I am not a fan of any sport rather than football (maybe Boxing, and I respect Baseball). And today's "famous event" held many Mexicans stuck on their teles for five hours watching the Super Bowl. In any case I just watched the dull and boring planes (F-16, that you can actually watch in the evening news) and went to the park to play footie. By the way that video has a lot of red-neck propaganda: watch Generation Kill (soon I will be posting in that).
Now, dance with James Murphy and Pat Mahoney!!! It is a pitty that they have not showed here in Mexico. Looking forward to it.
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