First, no I do not have Swine Flu. Second, dear reader, I am updating the blog since I left it a couple of months off due to school. Now that school's out until the temptative deadline of May the sixth I have some time to think regarding this disease and football.
I have been reading Geoffrey Hill's poetry in the last months and I am still overwhelmed by the power of his verse. I plan to make my undergraduate dissertation on Yeats but several times Heaney and Hill have crossed my mind, even McEwan.

Regarding McEwan everything went "smooth" in our Colloquium. Unfortunately this time I could not record any presentation. I received three critics from very good friends regarding my subject and these proved to be very helpful. I will be reading another presentation on the Sixth Classical Literature Students Colloquium as soon as classes resume. It will be on Yeats's "A thought from Propertius" regarding Bloom's influence theory.
A Thought from Propertius
She might, so noble from head
To great shapely knees,
The long flowing line,
Have walked to the altar
Through the holy images
At Pallas Athene’s side,
Or been fit spoil for a centaur
Drunk with the unmixed wine.
Did I say InFLUence? Yes. Streets were deserted today and to prove that today I passed through the park to see if some of hte lads were plaing: obviously not. Ussually thi place is packed at noon. I think I should keep reading and working on the blog, since wednesday's match approaches. Come on you Gunners!
Ovid in the Third Reich
non peccat, quaecumque potest peccasse negare,
solaque famosam culpa professa facit.
—(Amores, III, xiv)
I love my work and my children. God
Is distant, difficult. Things happen.
Too near the ancient troughs of blood
Innocence is no earthly weapon.
I have learned one thing: not to look down
So much on the damned. They, in their sphere,
Harmonize strangely with the divine
Love. I, in mine, celebrate the love-choir.
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