Yesterday I heard in a movie which I no longer remember the epithet "Burocratic Face".
I have been reading a lot ultimately about German Jet development aside from the Me 262. I have to say that I returned to the readings of this fighter and remembered the B variant. Everything in any book conclusions about this plane involves the conditional "If". This "If" is related to another phrase, very popular in many cultures; "too little, too late". It is certainly true that the development of the fighter among the jet technology was slowed by the allied bombing incursions bu the fact is that valuable time was wasted by a burocratic decision, by the Fuhrer himself. The technical capabilities of the Me 262 originally, were to be for a combat proven terrific fighter. Burocratic decisions lead that this excellent fighter had to work as a fighter/bomber. This conversion certainly took away time and resources to give the Luftwaffe the fighter most needed. And this takes me back to the "Burocratic Face". If it were not been by this mislead decision they will probably be not much "If" in WWII historiographical books. But who knows, my answer to the "If" is a concrete "That". The Me 262 did change something, although it was defeated by what appears to be Mexican burocracy not Nazi.

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