Monday, September 15, 2008

Beautiful Prose

I am happy today. And for me to be happy is found something interesting to be for. In some cases it can "Family Guy," a good footy match, a good poem or a good book, a glass of beer or any news from my uncle.
And today I found this article in La Jornada Semanal. It is not THE LITERARY SUPLEMENT but it floats. Sometimes they write shitty stuff but sometimes, like today, they put up very good things. This article talks about an aspect in particular, it enlightens Barico's prose but something peculiar about it is this definition of prose by the author. The author is Jorge Alberto Gudiño, and in this breve essay he formally delivers with parts of the prose, and the structure of the essay is completely ordered, not a common thing in Mexican literature reviewers.

"Siendo simplista, tendría que decir que su narrativa es “bonita”; pocos adjetivos se acercan más a esa prosa suave, rítmica y llena de emociones. Una prosa que es evocadora y exacta, suficiente a la hora de llevar al lector a los intersticios de la trama. Una prosa que permea las emociones y atrapa de inmediato… una prosa “bonita”.

Y es ese epíteto facilista el que sirve de impulso para liberar al lector de cualquier complejidad, al permitirle que se identifique con los personajes, con sus avatares, que se abandone."

[Being simplistic I would have to say that his narrative is "pretty"; few adjective could approach a softer, rhythmic and emotional prose. A prose that is evocative and precise, enough to take the readers in the details of the plot. A prose that deepens emotions and catches them immediately... a "pretty prose."
And in this simplistic epithet that serves as impulse to liberate the reader from any complexity, to allow him/her identify with the characters, with their avatars, to abandon. ]

He later proposes, although unnoticed, comparative literature methods for Barico's novels. I have also wanted to read "Mutaciones" which includes essays on football, but I have not got the time to do it, but when I read it I will comment on it.
A good day after all.

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