Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good times never change

Some say that the Cold War never ended. Others that there is a "New" Cold War coming and others that it did not exist at all, that it was WWIII. In any case the old chase between cat and mouse is still going on with major military forces and certainly will never end. I refer to the Cold War due to the recent (well a year ago) deployement of the F-22 to Alaska in response to Tu-22 long range exercises in both the Pacific and in the Northern seas. The old game of the chaser versus the chased is as old as war itself.
What impressed me today was an old news actually, but has to do with this topic. It was a from Strategy Page and it talks anbout the newest Russian ATG system, the PG-30. The article refers to the purpose of this missile. It has a primary warhead that intends to hit the target seocnds before the main missile, thus making either ERA or APS systems vulnerable. As many have noted several flaws in the intended hit of one surface, as many modern APS have a multiple thret choice system. My question is; should not be more intelligent to fire two or three RPG-7 instead of a coaxial missile as in the case of the PG-30?

For example information sources do not agree abput the capability of the HEAT round penetration in RHa, in the last link someone says 600 mm and in other stance 1000 mm. It may never be cleared since many of these systems have either not being proved or will go through revision. I ignore the case of the PG-30.
Again the old game of the missile, that is intercepted, and that the attacking missile has another measure to counter the interception of the latter is a typical war measure, but not the return of a military age, as someone would put. It is the old game of the cat versus the mouse.

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