Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cristiano Ronaldo's Free kick style

Regarding Cristiano's goal there has been a very interesting topic which has attracted me in previous season. If you may remember the semifinal against France in the Germany, he did made the same type of free kick, and whenever possible he always do it. In a strange hype, he looks at the ball and searches for the point that has a leak of air. After finding it he puts it carefully on the ground and locate it exactly where he id going to hit. He steps four steps from the ball, parallel to the posts. The runs toward the ball and kick it with the part of the foot that contains the beginning of the metatarsal bones. Not with the tip of the boot. He raises his foot and immediately draw it back from the ball, making a very different move when a 'normal free kick' is taken. This achieves that the ball travels at a continuous speed but... it remains without any effect due to the foot was removed in the exact moment the ball is supposed to be given the 'normal sideway effect'. So the wind or any other air current moves the ball in any direction making it even more difficult to the keeper to save. It is the second most difficult type of shot I ever tried, only doing it twice a t a practice. It consist in a very delicate balance of striking the ball in the right place. Position of both the body and ball are required to do this so its very difficult. Her an example on why Coupet was mocking Barthez by mimicking of a 'swaying ball':

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